Queens Of The Stone Age (Rock en Seine)
Turns out Warpaint wasn't the only band I got to see both at Primavera Sound and Rock en Seine this year... OK, still complicated for me to be objective on that one 'cause I love Queens Of The Stone Age. The concert they gave at Primavera Sound was a great one, no doubt about that. The only thing, as I stated earlier, was mostly the relative indifference surrounding their concert (and the concert of Nine Inch Nails), which I partly understand since the audience in Barcelona always seems more excited by a DJ set. Whatever. Tastes and colours are not to be debated. And on the other side, I have to admit that the concert of Nine Inch Nails at Primavera Sound was even better than the one I saw at Rock en Seine last year. But long story short: QOTSA, edition 2014 at Primavera Sound, were great. QOTSA, edition 2014 at Rock en Seine, after an amazing day whose previous highlights had been Blood Red Shoes , Warpaint and Brody Dalle , were positively amazing! No huge changes i...