California: on the road
Yes, here we are at last! If you're regularly following this blog, be warned: there will be quite a few articles about California in the coming weeks! In case you are not following this blog or may have missed the last episodes, here's a bit of context. A few days after spending Christmas with my family in France, I went back to my favourite place in the outskirts of Paris: Charles de Gaulle airport. Twelve hours later, I landed in Los Angeles. First time ever in California, approximately 20ºC more than in Paris, so I'll let you imagine both my emotion and excitement, that even the jet lag didn't manage to kill. OK, I may have almost fallen asleep over my plate at dinner on the first night but all in all, I managed to go through the first day with no major disturbance and, I am proud to say, despite the first Californian wine tasting that I was warmly welcomed with. After a couple of days mostly spent to rest, do a bit of sightseeing in the town we were st...