
Affichage des articles du décembre, 2014

Queens Of The Stone Age (Rock en Seine)

Turns out Warpaint wasn't the only band I got to see both at Primavera Sound and Rock en Seine this year... OK, still complicated for me to be objective on that one 'cause I love Queens Of The Stone Age. The concert they gave at Primavera Sound was a great one, no doubt about that. The only thing, as I stated earlier, was mostly the relative indifference surrounding their concert (and the concert of Nine Inch Nails), which I partly understand since the audience in Barcelona always seems more excited by a DJ set. Whatever. Tastes and colours are not to be debated. And on the other side, I have to admit that the concert of Nine Inch Nails at Primavera Sound was even better than the one I saw at Rock en Seine last year. But long story short: QOTSA, edition 2014 at Primavera Sound, were great. QOTSA, edition 2014 at Rock en Seine, after an amazing day whose previous highlights had been Blood Red Shoes , Warpaint and Brody Dalle , were positively amazing! No huge changes i...

Brody Dalle (Rock en Seine)

Ok, so this last day at Rock of Seine was a serious kick-ass day! Starting with Blood Red Shoes , continuing with Warpaint and on to... Brody Dalle. THE name that put a huge smile on my face when I saw it on the lineup. I had been waiting for her return for a long time. It was worth the wait! Brody Dalle was absolutely brilliant, playing both songs from her solo record and songs from The Distillers, and the concert went on in a heartbeat, leaving me in some sort of daze. Hope I won't have to wait that long to see her again! In the meantime, here is my video of " Don't mess with me " and, of course, a selection of photos.

Warpaint (Rock en Seine)

Second round for Warpaint this year, after seeing them at Primavera Sound a few months back. I already enjoyed their concert then but I think this one at Rock en Seine was even better! Better sound, longer show, more energy on stage. At this pace, I just can't wait to see them again! I had left you a video of " Keep It Healthy " taken at Primavera Sound. Here is one of " Undertow ", as well as my selection of photos.

Blood Red Shoes (Rock en Seine)

Third and last day of Rock en Seine 2014 opened up with the great, great concert of English band Blood Red Shoes. I had wanted to see them for quite some time but had missed them on a couple of occasions (including one in Barcelona... I just hadn't seen they were playing, arrrgh!). Anyway, this concert totally made it up for me. I finally saw my favourite Brighton duo and I wasn't disappointed! Such a raw, contagious energy coming from the stage -and among them. Totally set the mood for the rest of the day! I only hope I won't miss them again next time they show up in Barcelona 'cause it's gotta be something to see them play in a club...