
Affichage des articles du décembre, 2016

30 gigs in 30 pictures

As we're about to reach the end of this year, I have been thinking about all the great gigs I have seen in 2016, many of which I've seen in Barcelona of course, but not exclusively since Rock en Seine was particularly enjoyable this summer. From here on, it made me think of all the many other amazing gigs I've seen these last years. Yes, I guess it's pretty safe to say I'm slightly addicted to live music! So here goes a tribute to 30 artists / bands I saw live these last years. There are young artists, less young artists, men, women, bands, solo artists, famous names, names that ring a bell but you're not sure where you heard them, and names that simply won't mean anything to you at all. But somehow each and every one of these artists / bands made me live and feel a very special moment. My very own little "bubble" of time, space and emotion outside of reality. To be really fair, I would have many other names to mention but 30 photos of 30 gigs al...


Como lo comentaba en el blog sobre Segovia , disfruté mucho de ir tantas veces a Madrid también porque me permitió descubrir lugares encantadores de los alrededores de la capital. Otra de estas excursiones fue a la preciosa ciudad de Toledo, la "Ciudad de las tres culturas" ya que, como demuestra el apodo, ha sido poblada durante siglos por cristianos, judíos y musulmanes.  La verdad es que la ciudad es una pura maravilla y me encantó perderme por sus calles estrechas y empinadas, desembocar de repente en un mirador con vistas preciosas al Tajo, sentir el peso de la historia paseando por el Barrio Judío, emocionarme en la Casa-Museo el Greco,...  *** Sinagoga Santa María la Blanca *** Museo de El Greco ***