Rufus Wainwright (Cruïlla)
Getting back to my summary of the Cruïlla in photos!
the second concert I really didn't want to miss during these two days
was, of course, the concert of Rufus Wainwright that, for some reason I
don't recall now, I regretfully missed the previous year at the
Primavera Sound. So no excuse this time! And I obviously wasn't
disappointed... Alone on the stage with his piano and his guitar, Rufus
Wainwright truly showed the extent of his talent both as a musician and a
performer. Not that easy to keep the attention of a festival audience
when you're standing up there all alone... But he effortlessly managed
it and showed himself very comfortable and communicative. And to my
greatest surprise, he even managed to make the audience shut up for a
couple of songs... Yeah, sounds weird but, despite all the "cariño" that
I have for this city, it is a really complicated task to make people
shut up during a concert in Barcelona! And as great as it is to have an
audience so willing to participate and make a concert a truly shared
moment, sometimes it's also great to just be silent, listen to the music
and get carried away by emotions...
So way to go, Mr. Wainwright...