The Ghost Of A Saber Tooth Tiger (Primavera Sound)

After seeing them last year at Rock en Seine for the first time, I've got to say I was quite happy to see The Ghost Of A Saber Tooth Tiger again -even though I'm still wondering what they were smoking when they came up with this name for their band. I think I enjoyed this concert even more than the previous one. Sean Lennon doesn't speak Spanish but he speaks such a lovely French that we forgive him. And he's so generous and good-humoured on stage that no one really cares about his linguistic skills anyway! In short, a very commendable live band, which proves that being "a son of" can easily be forgotten when the music is nice and interesting.


Anonyme a dit…
j'aime bien leur look...ça a l'air sympatoche leur style :)
Carole M. a dit…
Très ! Mais ils étaient à Rock en Seine l'année dernière, tu te souviens ? Si tu as besoin de te rafraîchir la mémoire, tu peux cliquer sur le lien que j'ai mis dans l'article.